
6 Month Maintenance Plan

The benefits of caring for your water heater, especially in Utah County where we have hard water, can be seen in the long run as your water heater can double its useful life as well as perform more efficiently and can shave as much as 9 percent off water-heating costs.Flushing sediment from the tank will ensure that the sediment does not clog up your water heater or your plumbing. Checking and replacing your anode rod often (every 2-5 years) will help prevent its inside from rusting out The Semi-Annual Water Heater Maintenance for Utah County Homeowners. This basic servicing of your water heater will cover cleaning the unit both inside and out, as well as checking the important parts of your water heater and replacing them if needed.

Water Heater 6/mo Maintenance: $49 or $29 if you are apart of our Worry-Free Plumbing Program. Call 801-613-7379 or Email to enroll for Free & with No Obligation. To see instructions on doing this yourself, check out our Homeowner Guides, or Call Me 801-613-7379 and I can help walk you through it.

What We Do: Perform a basic flush Clean the outside of the Water heater as well as the surrounding floor. Inspect & Replace As Needed:

  1. Burner
  2. Thermo Coupler
  3. Anode Rod
  4. Pilot Light

Yearly Maintenance

For the yearly maintenance, you will do the same as you did for the 6 mo maintenance but you will also do a more thorough cleaning and flushing of the water heater so to clear out all of the sediment that has accumulated at the bottom of the tank.

Water Heater Annual Maintenance $99 or $49 if you are apart of our Worry-Free Plumbing Program. Call 801-613-7379 or Email to Enroll for Free & with No Obligation. To see instructions on doing this yourself, check out our Homeowner Guides, or Call Me 801-613-7379 and I can help walk you through it.

Thoroughly flush out your water heater to remove sediment. Inspect & Replace As Needed:

  1. Burner
  2. Thermo-Coupler
  3. Anode Rod
  4. Pilot Light

3 Year Maintenance

At 3 yrs, you will replace the anode rod as its effective useful life is just 2-4 years. The anode rode is made to corrode as it’s the sacrificial part of the water heater to protect the tank. If your anode rod is no longer useful then your tank will begin to rust. And the tank is the only nonreplaceable part of your Water Heater which cannot be repaired in Utah County. This is why we check and replace anode rods so often.

3 Year Water Heater Maintenance Service $199 vs $99 if you are apart of our Worry-Free Plumbing Program. Call 801-613-7379 or Email to Enroll for Free & with No Obligation. To see instructions on doing this yourself, check out our Homeowner Guides, or Call Me 801-613-7379 and I can help walk you through it.

Perform the 6 mo and Annual Maintenance as well as thoroughly test and replace parts as needed:

  1. Anode Rod
  2. Thermostat or Thermocoupler
  3. Ignition Unit
  4. Pressure Release Valve (PRV)
  5. Gas Shutoff Valves
  6. Hoses and Vents
  7. Tank Insulation
  8. Tank Inspection